Join us at the January School Council meeting. The meeting will be held in the school library from 6:30-8:15pm.
Child care is available. Please register at including the names/ages of the children requiring care.
- School Council Initiatives Update
- Fun Fair Kick-Off
- Silent Auction Update
- PRO Grants Update
- Pizza Lunch Update
- Treasurer's Report
- Ward 7 Update
- Communications Team Update
- Principal's Update
(M. Cruickshank (Z. Baines absent))
Movie nights brought in $223. Gingerbread raffle - $1,000+. Spirit Wear earned $300, but can be revisited.
- Still lots to spend. Teachers should spend their money and can also access pot of gold. ($2,500)
- Leftover money from sound system. $2,000
- Mrs. U wants to purchase science equipment. Equipment needs to be updated
- Alana suggested taking an inventory to see what is available
- Equipment will be used by other classrooms as well.
- Mrs. U has already purchased some kits
MOTION: (Madeleine) Approve spending of $108 on science equipment. Seconded: David
Robotics Club
(L. Umezawa)
- 12 children were purposefully selected
- Q: why were all the members boys?
- Mrs. U had chosen girls for the team, but unfortunately they had other commitments
- Next steps: expand robotics club to more students, currently 48 students from 4, 5, and 6 interested.
- Equipment needed: robotics kits sold by First Lego League. One kit is good for 4 students, Mrs. U wants 3 more. Tuesday/Thursday can do different groups and involve all teachers. After school club will include high school student mentors.
- $750+ tax for the 3 kits.
- Council agreed to fund it but also require a write-up to share with parents and lower grades
MOTION: (Madeleine) Approve up to $900 in spending. Seconded: Lisa
Budget Items
Proposal: Ms. Zampiero is performing “Matilda” with grades 4, 5 and 6. She was allocated $200 for accompanist, which went unspent. Requires $300 for musical production
MOTION: (Madeleine) Approve $300 for “Matilda”. Seconded: Sandra
TD Neighbourhood Grant: Program which donates $1,000 for neighbourhood play. A parent (Sonya) asked about basketball nets in gym. Decision made to apply for this grant to cover this cost.
Fun Fair Kick-off
(M. Cruickshank)
- Volunteers currently being assembled. Eli Klein is taking the lead.
- Orders for bouncy castles need to be placed now, with specific ones for indoor use.
- Outdoors is preferred
- Wristbands: Suggested price of $20, perhaps to include food and a drink. (Will still sell tickets)
- Discussion: what should be included in the wristband. Do the numbers compare?
Silent Auction Update
(M. Cruickshank)
Venues: Roncesvalles United church basement or St. Casimir’s event space. (Cost of $250)
- Silent Auction Team to investigate further
Parent Reaching out Grants
(M. Cruickshank)
Parent Handbook:
- Kelly McConvey’s students have edited it and put together a draft.
- To be published soon
Anxiety Workshop:
- Madeleine went over our needs for a parent’s evening workshop
- Still investigating potential speakers.
- To be booked for March or April
Pizza Lunch
Pizza Lunch:
- Launching in February and using Will use Pizza Pizza as vendor
- Q: Why not use a local business? Some discussion around this. Can always try a different vendor
- Council will purchase an extra half pizza for children in need
- Q: For kindergarten students too? Yes.
Lunch Lady:
- Thursdays. Hot meal. 6 week trial? Decided to do a 4-week trial. No volunteers required
Upcoming Events
(M. Cruickshank)
Movie Night:
- February for Junior students
Talent Show:
- To be held at Fern PS as usual - evening of April 20.
LEGO Fundraiser:
- Suggested but now is unnecessary
Backpacks for Malawi:
- Collecting backpacks to be sent to Malawi, for HIV positive children to be able to carry their medications
Ward 7 Update
(M. Cruickshank)
Childcare in the TDSB:
- Proposed budget cuts
- Interested parents can send form letters to their city councillor or MPP
Pancake Breakfast
Pancake Breakfast Proposed:
- A parent who owns a local restaurant (Easy) is willing to put on a free pancake breakfast for the school.
- Some discussion around this. Weather, food cooked off-site? Would parents have to stay to supervise? Friday mornings.
Principal’s Report
Report Cards:
- Going home Feb. 14th, all grades. JK summary report
- Feb. 16th Parent-teacher meetings (evening)
- Feb. 17th (PA Day) morning meetings only
SFCS Meeting:
- Positive space to be created in Mrs. Bell’s room (for students who need to talk, or some quiet)
- Impact of info from media on kids.
- Children at Garden seem to lack perseverance. Need to work on building self-esteem and grit. (Idea: Creating a wall of gratitude) Helping children feel they can make change
- Next meeting Feb. 21st for any parents who can come
- Many clubs currently running. Question of how best to communicate with parents what is happening
- Chess Institute has proven difficult to communicate with. Have to decide if we want to continue with them.
Island School:
- Grade 5-6 trip from March 8-10. $75/student
School Trips:
- Make known to parents that costs will be covered for any family in need
TSO Trip:
- Feb. 23rd Grades 5-6
- April 27th. Grades 1-4
- Play-fighting continues in the school yard, along with other behavioral issues such as vigilante justice
- Alana would prefer that parents enforce the lesson that they should not retaliate. Ex. hitting back if they’ve been hit
- Parents should be sensitive to discussing issues with other people’s children
- The school will always communicate with parents if information is necessary for them to know. Often private reasons that info can’t be shared
- Some discussion around how parents can communicate with teachers/principal about events that happen at school. Some disagreement on the best way to do this.
- Ms. Cundari suggested a note going out to parents to assure them they can always contact teachers about any issue that comes up socially or in the classroom.