Join us at our first School Council meeting of the year!
Thursday, September 21 from 6:30-8:15pm in the school gym. Childcare is available. Please let us know the names and ages of the children requiring care by sending an email to
All parents and guardians are welcome. Learn about what we do and the role we play in helping Garden to grow.
We will elect our 2017/18 Council at this meeting. If you are interested in joining council, please reach out at
Opening (M. Cruickshank)
Brief overview of the role of school council. The fundraising that we do is in service to the school. Also a strong emphasis on community events.
Council Roles and Election
6 elected positions
Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Ward 7 rep, Communications Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator
We must acclaim ourselves in our current roles and elect any new members of executive.
MOTION: Elect Wendy Hammond-Page to role of Treasurer. (Madeleine) Seconded (Katey)
Unelected Positions
Madeleine went over the roles of unelected positions, ex. Fun Fair coordinator
The new role of Fundraising Coordinator will be filled by Doug McKenzie
Call for volunteers for pizza lunch
Equity Coordinator will be taken on by Kat Armstrong - this is also a new role this year.
Call for Lost and Found Keeper to keep track of lost and found items
Movie Night Coordinator role also needs to be filled
Looking for a Math and Science Event Coordinator. (We received the PRO grant for our STEM night, but need someone to run this event.)
Q: What age group would this be? Would it be an after school event?
Madeleine: It hasn’t yet been defined. Grades 1-6 perhaps. It would definitely be after school.
Madeleine gave some examples of possibilities for the event, math games or science games that can be done with families.
Q: Does the school have a maker space?
Alana: Yes, Carrie Cox has taken that on, and is creating a maker space in the library.
The Caring and Safe School Committee also needs a parent member, as it’s made up of the Principal, a staff member, a parent, and a student.
Q: Would Mary-Anne, for example, present her plan for Fun Fair to the committee?
Madeleine: In some ways, yes. She will put together the people who will be in various roles.
Open invitation to the community to attend council meetings, and volunteer at events and/or in the classroom.
Council also requests that people use all the branches of communication available to us, Facebook group, etc.
Class Parents (J. Lees)
Explained to everyone what class parents do.
Maintain communication list
Help teacher send out communications
Organize class gift for teacher.
Ward 7 Update (K. Ball)
Explained that Robin Pilkey is the trustee of Ward 7 and chair of the TDSB.
Talked about her role and what kinds of things are discussed at Ward 7 meetings.
Mentioned that more parents are welcome at Ward 7 meetings.
The FB group is “TDSB Ward 7 Council”
Treasurer’s Report (K. Ball)
Standing in for Zoe B.
Explained that we raise money throughout the year with our various fundraisers.
Went over what was raised at last year’s fundraisers. ($26,700)
Went over how the money was spent last year. TSO, Class Trips, etc.
Teacher Grants . $400 given to each teacher. Each teacher to spend as they like.
Went over plans for this year. TSO, FOR, field trips, etc.
Explained Teacher Pot of Gold. This is money that each teacher can request a specific amount for a particular expense.
New Proposals:
Ms. Cox’s kindy Outdoor Education program. (Would like to buy magnifying glasses, rubber boots, bug catchers, balls, etc.) $750
STEM building cart to move around from class to class and they are very well-used— $750
Peaceful Recess Project - $150. (Quiet room Ms. Cox is proposing twice a week.)
Madeleine explained why Ms. Cox is requesting the equipment.
Katherine wanted to clarify if the money came from the Pot of Gold, or from overflow spending.
M: We will probably categorize this under science or physical.
MOTION: Approve funding for above proposals. (Madeleine) Seconded. (Kat)
Q: We have money for families who may not be able to afford to do activities. Do we have a specific amount? Can we share that?
M: Good point. We don’t have a line item in our budget for it. But the money will always be made available.
A: I do have a line in my budget for it. Staff can let parents know that they can approach me if they need to.
Everyone agreed that this information should be made available
A: Also, every extra-curricular activity that takes place at the school has always offered a free session for any child that is in need.
Planned Fundraisers (M. Cruickshank)
Garden Variety, Gingerbread Raffle, etc.
Spirit Wear.
Hats and T-shirts for sale on curriculum night, more to come in October
Marlies game. To take place in either November or February
This year we will also be accepting charitable donations. Can accept cash and issue tax receipts. Can also direct your donation to Garden through the United Way if your corporation runs that type of fundraiser.
Principal’s Update (A. Hardy)
Introduced herself and spoke about Garden for a moment.
First Kindercoffee: to be held on the 3rd Thursday of October.
Have had to move a couple of kids. There are 269 children this year and last year there were 289.
Looking into making the empty classroom a sensory room.
Last year we had 3 full kindy classes, this year only 2 and one half room.
Budget: Down from last year by about $4,000+ (Because of lower enrollment)
General Info:
The new curtains have arrived.
Kindy playground is finished. Fencing has been deemed too short. Daycare may have to fundraise to replace the fence.
Wasps continue to be an issue. Many stings have been occurring. Notify office if kids have allergies. (Comment from the crowd that onions can help with stings)
There’s a new kindergarten student who requires accommodation. She is a little person. The accommodations for her need to pass inspections and those things haven’t been finished.
Door system needs to be updated. Stairwells need updates, water fountains, etc.
Facebook group: Alana is not on the group, Madeleine is the moderator. Alana cautioned parents to keep it a positive space. If any concerns, please approach your classroom teacher, or Alana or Madeleine.
Kindergarten drop-off. Please drop your child off and don’t loiter. Don't walk your children to class. Parents in the hallways are disruptive.
Vandalism: The buddy bench was burned over the summer and then painted a terrible colour. Windows have been broken and drug paraphernalia has been found in the kindergarten yard. Alana asked parents to keep an eye if they are in the area - and call police.
Also started a Twitter account @gardenavenueps
Q: What do you mean by drug paraphernalia?
A: Mostly alcohol bottles.
Plans for 2017/18 (M)
PRO grant for STEM. EQAO score always high in reading/writing but not so great in math. Want to find more ways to bring math learning into the classroom.
Increased focus on recognizing different communities
Orange Shirt Day to be next week, which recognizes survivors of residential schools.
Sara and Lisa are working on streamlining communication. Email newsletter, flyers in backpacks and FB group to reach as many parents as possible.
Debate Program: Katherine is set to facilitate this on Friday mornings
Pub Quiz Night. Will try once this year for a fun evening.
Garden Variety is scheduled for Nov. 4th.
Barque is donating food and Christine H. will donate craft beer.
Eli Klein is the event lead.
Divisional Planning (M)
Arts/science/outdoor education.
Each division, (Kindergarten, primary and junior) will do one or two things in each category.
Q and A
Q: Do you have a community garden? Or gardening club?
A: We put planters out the back for this purpose. We could also do a planting area in the landing of the staircase.
Alana discussed various after-school activities.
Financial Literacy program.
Arts Express - hip-hop class and drawing/sketching.
Strict stipulations about what can be permitted at school. Has to be Ministry approved.
K: Would the debate program need approval?
A: No, because a teacher will be helping out/running it.
M: We are also looking at running a maker kids program for Juniors.