School Garden

This page is dedicated to the Garden School Garden, sometimes called the "Butterfly Garden", nestled between the back yard parking lot and the school building.

In 2015, a parent-led initiative got the students involved in rejuvenating this garden and planting some flowers and vegetables there. Project Green Thumb started by distributing seeds to families to grow seedlings for sale at the Fun Fair. Then the leftover seedlings were planted in the garden.

During the summer of 2015, some intrepid Garden Guardians have committed to helping to water, weed, and harvest the wonderful produce from the garden. Children attending Sunnyside Daycare (whose windows overlook the garden) will help with regular watering as well.

Garden Guardians Preliminary Schedule:
Week 1 (June 29-July 5): ?
Week 2 (July 6-12): ?
Week 3 (July 13-19): Natascha Teoli
Week 4 (20-26): Heather Johnston and Kenzie / Natalie Breton with Sophia
Week 5 (27-August 2): Daryl Landau
Week 6 (August 3-9): Phil Kiff and Zoya
Week 7 (August 10-16): Natalie Breton and Sophia
Week 8 (August 17-23): Heather Johnston and Kenzie (OR MAYBE SAM?)
Week 9 (August 24-30): Natascha Teoli
Week 10 (August 31-September 6): Phil Kiff and Zoya

Contact Heather to sign up for any missing week, or if you'd like to swap a week with someone else.

Garden Guardians are encouraged to post notes about the garden as Comments on this page - that way we can all keep track of progress and find out about any trouble areas to watch out for (bug infestations, diseased or struggling plants, whatever). I will also be creating a page or two for photos. To read or post comments, you need to be logged in. If you don't have an account, it's easy to create one.

Check out the Garden Map made by Zoya:

garden map

Happy Gardening!