At this meeting we will be deciding on an initial budget for the 2017/18 school year. Let us know if you have ideas about programs or initiatives that council could fund, that would enhance the experience of Garden students, small or tall.
Toronto Marlies Fundraising (Paul)
Paul explained how the scheme works. They sell us the tickets for a discounted price, for a specific date, and council adds a couple of dollars per ticket for fundraising.
Also possible to just do a school spirit day.
Incentives: if a certain number of tickets are sold, the school choir can sing the national anthem or we could have a family skate on ice before the game.
Online sign up. Could be a school day or a Saturday/Sunday afternoon.
He has flyers to distribute.
Can also donate items for Silent Auction.
Could be at Ricoh Coliseum or ACC. (Limited number of games for ACC)
Madeleine: How many tickets do we have to commit to?
Paul: We organize events for small schools, or up to 700 tickets.
M: How much would we have to price the tickets for?
P: They’re usually from $13 to $20. You can seat everyone together.
Alana commented that it might be nice to have on the weekend to include more family members.
Madeleine to follow up with some possible dates.
Council Update (M)
MOTION: Approve minutes from previous meeting. (M) Seconded. (Sara)
Fundraisers and Events for Next Year
TFSS (Toronto Foundation for Student Success) takes 5% of donations. Enables parents and community members to donate any amount they like.
Done through the Canada Helps website, we can put in suggested amounts
Potlucks: we will do two or three.
Pizza lunch: we will stick to just pizza next year and begin earlier.
Movie Nights: Plan to put 4 of them in the calendar.
Curriculum Night BBQ in September
Pumpkin Patch to be held on October 21st or 28th.
Garden Variety. Possible dates: November 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
Fun Fair scheduled for May 26th, 2018.
We need a new lead as Eli can’t take it on again.
Elected Positions
All current members to return in same roles except Zoe.
New treasurer required
Initiatives for 2017-18
Apply for PRO grant for a family STEM night
TDSB enhancing equity task force.
Survey done to describe the equity environment at school.
School Statement of Needs.
Council has to put together (there’s a form to submit to superintendent)
Garden parents are interested in: Math Programming, like an after-school club. More math content needed.
Alana commented that she may know a program on financial literacy. (After-school club) This is a maybe for next year.
Kumon or Spirit of Math is not an option
Some discussion about robotics club.
Days of Significance: (Kat A.)
Kat feels the children at Garden need to be more aware of certain days of significance. (ex. Orange Shirt Day)
Alana responded in defence of what Garden has done to become more inclusive and to look at minority populations throughout the year.
Focus on indigenous populations and the work with Philip Cote.
Some discussion around how we can improve on this front for next year.
Some suggestions of special events we can look at:
Orange Shirt Day
Day of Pink
Lunar New Year
African Heritage Month
Pride Month
M. suggested making the conversation bigger, by looking at different field trips, or booking different performances.
Treasurer’s Report (Zoe)
Update on fundraisers.
Discussed apples through Foodshare.
Discussed retirement gift for Officer Eric.
Teachers spending: Most teachers have spent their funds this year.
Some teacher spending is over their limit. (S. Goetz) Are we okay to take money from pot of gold to cover costs?
Ms. Lawson put in a request for painting materials. $150
MOTION: Approve spending requests. (M) Seconded. (Sara)
Spending for next year:
Alana wants to create a sensory room as we have an available room.
Unspent dollars to carry forward, roughly $20,000
Budget request items: Ms. Zampiero would like to fund musicals (both junior and primary) and would like to expand ukulele program.
Ms. Childs: Dance instruction to continue for Grades 4-6.
Ms. Cox: Forest of Reading books.
Mrs. Murray: Two Scientist in the School visits for kindies.
Technology spending?
Maybe microphones for musicals
Spending for a big ticket item:
Turf for the yard a possibility.
All of the other neighbourhood schools are getting it.
Have to have some idea how much it would cost.
Madeleine mentioned that another option would be to give some money to another school like Parkdale or Queen Vic. Some discussion around whether the parent community/other school councils would like this idea.
We could also donate tickets for a Marlies game to another school
Alana would like to work on art installations. Or to bring in more performances.
MOTION: Approve skeleton budget, and revisit in fall. (M) Seconded. (Sara)
Principal’s Report (Alana)
Report cards to go out with room numbers only, not teachers’ names.
Ms. Swail will return. Ms. Baum may come back and Ms. Hortzman also.
Ms. Cundari won’t be returning. Ms. Bowman will be leaving as well.
An additional SNA (special needs assistant) will be here.
A new lunch-room supervisor is coming from Annette.
Renos: kindergarten yard are continuing.
Other renos: Safety accommodations for a new student who requires some alterations to accessibility.
New stage curtains will be arriving in fall.
$1500 raised for indigenous community. (Michelle Bell’s class sold jewellery)
Final numbers for next year will be 261.