As many of you will have discovered, we have a new weekly email newsletter called the Garden Weekly eNews. This is the replacement for the weekly Garden Avenews Direct that used to be sent out via mailchimp. Yesterday, we sent out our first issue, check it out!:
Garden Weekly eNews - September 15
We are still working on the new format and design, so you can look forward to that improving in the coming weeks. Eventually, we look forward to parents and teachers contributing to the eNews by creating their own news and event announcements on the website that we can then include in the eNews. For now, our focus is just on getting you basic school and council news each week.
To subscribe to the eNews, you need to create an account on the site and then check off the Subscibe to Garden Weekly eNews option as well as providing CASL (Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation) consent. The reason you need to provide CASL consent is that emails that include fundraising requests e.g. information on the Gingerbread House Raffle or Fun Fair are considered to be "commercial" by this legislation, so even if the newsletter includes just one item referring to fundraising, it still technically falls under the category of "commercial" email.
You directly control your own subscription status and CASL consent settings by editing your user account:
Let us know how you like the newsletter and we'll continue to work on improving it.
Garden School Council