Welcome back everyone!!!! I hope that everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer with your family and friends. ☺
I am very honoured to be the principal of Garden PS and very excited and inspired to have the opportunity to work with all the stakeholders of this wonderful community.
During the summer, the caretaking staff along with our wonderful teachers and ECEs have worked really hard to get the school ready for September. Please join me in thanking them for making our school ready!!
We are pleased to welcome David Mallon, our new night caretaker and Ms. Hritzun, as a permanent staff member. Ms. Hritzun will continue as our HSP/Resource teacher. Also, we welcome Ms. Theofilopoulos, our Gr 2/3 teacher and Mrs. Hoenhous, our Kindergarten teacher. Ms. Hoenhous is in place of Ms. Swail, who is currently on maternity leave. In addition, we welcome Ms. D’jan, our ECE and Ms. Ruth, our SNA.
For the first day of school the grade 1 and 1/2 classes will eat in the lunchroom in order to support them with learning the new lunchroom rules/routines. All other classes will be eating outside weather permitting.
Please follow us on twitter, @GardenAvenuePS for exciting news and events.
Looking forward to meeting everyone this week!!
Ms. Guffin