
Garden's Garden Inspires

Friday June 12

Thursday after school something lovely happened. A couple of parents in the newly cultivated Butterfly Garden doing some weeding turned into a small group exploration of nature.  Five SK’s/1’s just wandered in and asked to help.  They were enamoured with the gardening tools, voracious with their weed pulling and excited by the bugs and buds.  I knew gardening was great for kids, but I was still just a little surprised at how organically it all happened.  If you think of it this week take a moment stop by the Garden with your kids and see the beginnings of our work there…perhaps you will be inspired too.

School Garden

This page is dedicated to the Garden School Garden, sometimes called the "Butterfly Garden", nestled between the back yard parking lot and the school building.

In 2015, a parent-led initiative got the students involved in rejuvenating this garden and planting some flowers and vegetables there. Project Green Thumb started by distributing seeds to families to grow seedlings for sale at the Fun Fair. Then the leftover seedlings were planted in the garden.

Grow Garden School Garden!

Friday May 22

Seeking Parents & Children to Help: Come join us and help to grow the Garden School Garden on Thursday May 28, 3:30-5:00pm. This will be super fun for the kids, since we will garden, do some amazing art-work and participate in a vermicomposting demonstration! Please join us to help Garden grow! If interested, please contact