
News, announcements, and reminders from the council, school, and community.

Reminder: School Council Meeting Tomorrow September 24

Wednesday September 23

The first School Council meeting of the year happens tomorrow night September 24 at 6:30-8:15 in the School gym. 

School Council meetings are open to ALL Garden School Parents/Guardians and Staff.  

Ms. Hardy will be taking some time at this meeting to introduce herself and answer your questions.  We will also share important updates on Council fundraising and spending and conduct our annual Council elections.

Childcare will be provided.  Email with the ages and names of the children you are bringing.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Natasha Teoli/Heather Johnston (Council Co-Chairs)



Junior Cross Country Practice Update

Wednesday September 23

There is a change to the Cross Country practice schedule for the Juniors.

The Wednesday afterschool practice will be moved to Thursday morning 8:00-8:45 for the duration of the practice schedule.  

Meet in the Gym at 8:00 A.M. sharp.

Monday and Friday practices will continue to be afterschool.

First School Council Meeting of the Year

Sunday September 20

Please join us at the first School Council Meeting of the year on Thursday 24 September from 6:30pm to 8:15pm in the gym.

You will have the opportunity to meet our new Principal Alana Hardy and participate in a Q&A.

In addition we will be holding elections for School Council elected positions:

  • Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Ward 7 Reps (2)
  • Events/Volunteer Co-ordinator

Child care can be provided. Please register at including the names/ages of the children requiring care.


School Letter - New Gym Floor

Thursday September 17

Dear Parents/Guardians

Good news!!!  We are getting a new gym floor.  Work on the new floor will begin on Tuesday September 22, 2015.  That means the gym will be off limits until the floor is completed which we have been told should be approximately a week.    In order to accommodate this construction we will have to change our lunchroom routine.   We are hoping that this beautiful fall weather will continue and we will be able to have picnic lunches outside.  Please continue to send a litter less lunch and remember we are practicing the Boomerang Program in order to: Allow parents to see what their children have eaten, what goes back home and reduce the garbage burden at the school.  Thank you for your co-operation in this matter and if you have any questions come ask in the office.

Alana Hardy
Principal Garden Avenue Public School

School Letter - New Gym Floor

New Garden Weekly eNews Sent

Wednesday September 16

As many of you will have discovered, we have a new weekly email newsletter called the Garden Weekly eNews. This is the replacement for the weekly Garden Avenews Direct that used to be sent out via mailchimp. Yesterday, we sent out our first issue, check it out!:
Garden Weekly eNews - September 15

We are still working on the new format and design, so you can look forward to that improving in the coming weeks. Eventually, we look forward to parents and teachers contributing to the eNews by creating their own news and event announcements on the website that we can then include in the eNews. For now, our focus is just on getting you basic school and council news each week.

To subscribe to the eNews, you need to create an account on the site and then check off the Subscibe to Garden Weekly eNews option as well as providing CASL (Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation) consent. The reason you need to provide CASL consent is that emails that include fundraising requests e.g. information on the Gingerbread House Raffle or Fun Fair are considered to be "commercial" by this legislation, so even if the newsletter includes just one item referring to fundraising, it still technically falls under the category of "commercial" email.

You directly control your own subscription status and CASL consent settings by editing your user account:

Let us know how you like the newsletter and we'll continue to work on improving it.

Garden School Council

School Letter - New Kindergarten Entry Routine

Monday September 14

Dear Parents/Guardians of our Kindergarten Students,

In an effort to make our morning entry more seamless we have started a new morning routine with our Kindergarten classes. Teachers and ECE’s will be on duty in the West play area (on Garden Avenue) starting at 8:45 AM each morning. Parents are asked to drop students off to the Teacher or ECE who is standing at the gate. They will help escort all students to their line up area inside the yard. Any student having difficulty transitioning into class will be supported outside the gate and then walked into the play area by a Teacher or ECE. Students will file into school between 8:55-9:00 AM unless their class is remaining outside for outdoor play.

If you have any messages for your child’s teacher feel free to write the teacher a note or let the transiting teacher know. They will be happy to pass on a message to your child’s classroom teacher. We are doing our best to discourage any parents/guardians from entering the kindergarten yard and appreciate your support. 

Those students who go home for lunch are dismissed at 11:30 AM and should return via the doors at the front of the school at 12:45 PM. Kindergarten students are dismissed at 3:15 PM for home or daycare. Rooms 109, 110 and 111 dismiss right outside of their classrooms at the Galley Avenue doors. Students in Room 106 are dismissed outside of the main doors to the front of the building.

We hope that these new routines will optimize both the safety and the independence of our youngest students here at Garden Avenue.

Alana Hardy
Principal Garden Avenue

School Letter - New Kindergarten Entry Routine

Message from School Council

Monday September 14

Welcome Garden Parents to a new school year and our new website!  For those just joining Garden Ave a special welcome to our school community.  We hope your family's first experiences at Garden set the stage for an excellent year.  

This year the site will be the hub of communication for the school including the weekly eNews, Teacher pages, Parent Education, Volunteer opportunities and more. I am pleased to see new registrations coming in daily.  A handful of parent volunteers and staff are working hard to keep content fresh and develop the site to meet the needs of the school community.  If you have writing or editorial talent and would like to help please let us know.

There are a couple of upcoming events that you might want to put in your calendar:

Feel free to email Natasha Teoli or Heather Johnston (Council Co-Chairs) through the site, or at if you have any questions or would like to become more involved.


Principal's Message

Tuesday September 8

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy a wonderful summer with families and friends!  Welcome to the 2015 – 2016 school year! 

I am delighted to join the Garden Avenue Public School community. I’m committed to student engagement and achievement and I will work hard at supporting you to bring the best out in each of your children. Working closely with families I know that we will continue to build on the successes and achieve remarkable social, academic and innovative outcomes for our students here at Garden.

I’ve already had the opportunity to connect with many community members, students and staff. It’s clear to me from all these initial conversations that we all value our wonderful school as an integral part of this community.  I feel so very fortunate to be joining a team of such dedicated and hardworking individuals and I look forward to working with each and every one of you, students, staff and families this coming year.

We welcome our new families to Garden! Ms. Cundari will be replacing Mrs. Petrowski until she returns from parental leave in February 2016. Stephanie Bowman will be coming in temporarily to replace Sandy Irving-Harry who is off on medical leave.  We are pleased to welcome both teachers to Garden.

We look forward to working with you this year and have many activities already planned.  I would like to mention a few activities which are coming up in the near future, the Terry Fox Walk on September 25, Kinder-coffee on Sept. 25 and Photo Day on Sept. 28.

Our first School Advisory Council General meeting is on Sept.24 at 6:30 in the gym. All parents are encouraged to get involved in the School Advisory Council and we hope you are able to attend.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year.

Ms. Hardy
Principal Garden Avenue

Latest News and Events

Tuesday September 1

News and announcements are usually posted here every week.